Hydrated Body

 Hydrated Body:

Hydrated body is that has enough water to perform its function properly. Stay hydrated is important for your overall health.

**8 glass of water per day per person is compulsory**

Benefits of hydration :

  • Regulates body temperature.
  • Lubricates joints and eyes.
  • Helps prevent headaches and constipation.
  • Helps with digestion.
  • Keeps skin healthy.
  • Helps deliver nutrients to cells.
  • Helps keep organs functioning properly.
  • ImproveDrink s sleep quality, cognition, and mood.

6 Tips to stay hydrated:
  1. Drink water with meal.
  2. Use plenty of juices and fluids.
  3. Skip Alcohol and caffeine.
  4. Use vegetables and fruits  rich in water like watermelon, cucumber, peaches, strawberries, celery etc.
  5. Monitor your alcohol color.
  6. Avoid sun rays when its too hot.

Damage of Dehydration:

There are many disadvantages not to staying hydrated, it can cause a 

  • Heart issues: Lack of water can produce blood clotting.

  • Low blood pressureDehydration can cause low blood pressure, dizziness, and fainting.
  • PalpitationsDehydration can cause a racing heartbeat, called palpitations.
  • Blood clots and heart attacksDehydration can thicken the blood, increasing the risk of blood clots and heart attacks.

  • Kidney Damage:
    • Kidney stones: water deficiency can cause kidney stones to form.
    • Kidney failure: lack of water can lead to kidney failure.

  • Brain failure:

       Human brain is contains 75% of water. lack of water can lead to

  •  Seizures: Lack of water can cause seizures.
  • Confusion water deficiency can cause confusion and incoherence.


  • Other complications 
  • Heat injuryDehydration can lead to heat cramps, heat exhaustion, or heatstroke.
  • Urinary tract infectionsDehydration can cause urinary tract infections.
  • ShockDehydration can cause low blood volume shock, which can be life-threatening.

A well-hydrated body is lmportant for optimal health, as water is essential component for every part of the body to function properly, including temperature regulation, digestion, nutrient transport, and maintaining healthy skin and joints; therefore, water intake is vital for overall well-being and vitality, allowing your body to perform at its best.

Healthy Diet

Healthy Diet:

A healthy diet contains a variety of nutritious foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteinsIt also limits foods high in carbohydrates and saturated fats, sweets and salts.

8 Major Healthy Diet:

There are many diets which fullfil your body nutrients requirements but here I am going to discuss main 8 diets which can fullfil 90%of your diet components are as:


1- Plant based food: Plant-based food contains fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, pulses, seeds and whole grains.
Fruits and Vegetables: Minimal processed fruits and vegetables like: Apple, bananas, oranges, kiwi, peas, squash, sweet potatoes , avocados, tomatoes, etc.
    Benefits: Provides vitamins and minerals with minimum calories and maintains body weight.

2- Whole Grains: Rice, quinoa, oatmeal, buckwheat etc.
    Benefits: contain fibres and helps prevent constipation, lower cholestrol, maintaining blood pressure and lower the heart diseases risk.

3- Legumes: lentils, beans, chickpeas.    
    Benefits: Low in calories and high in fiber, helps regulate bowel movement, maintains blood sugar level and prevents  type II diabetes.

4- Eggs: Contains high quality protein, vitamins and minerals like B12, riboflavin and selenium.

5-Drak Chocolates: It contains iron, magnesium and copper helps to protect skin from the sun, lower blood pressure and lower the risk of CHD.

6- Olive oils: contains vitamin E, polyphenols which are helpful for heart health.

7- Yougurt: contains probiotics which helps to cleanse and nourish intestines.

8- Nuts: Nuts contain omega 3 fatty acids, maintaining heart health and cholestrol level in the body.



A healthy diet isn't a question of restriction, but one of making smarter choices that benefit your body. By adding whole, natural foods into your regular way of living and keeping your relationship with food well-balanced, you can have a longer, healthier, happier life.


Body Weight


Body Weight:

Body weight is a basic indicator of overall health and well-being. It is effected by various factors, including genetics, lifestyle, body metabolism, and environmental effect. Understanding body weight, its impacts on life, and how to manage it, is important for maintaining a healthy life.

Factors Affecting Body Weight:

  1. Genetics: Genes plays a significant role in determining body weight and body composition. Some people may predisposed to higher or lower body weights due to inherited traits.
  2. Diet: The types and quantity of food consumed have a direct impact on body weight. Having a balanced diet with appropriate caloric intake on daily basis is vital for maintaining a healthy weight.
  3. Exercise: Exercise on daily basis helps in burning calories, building muscles, and improving metabolism, helps in weight regulation.
  4. Metabolism: Each individual has different metabolic rate that affects how efficiently calories are burned. Age, gender, and muscles are the factors that influences metabolism.
  5. Balanced Hormones: Hormones like insulin, estrogen,  progesterone, leptin, and cortisol can impact appetite, fat storage, and overall body weight.
  6. Lifestyle: Stress hormones levels, Sleep time and healthy food plays a vital role in weight management.

Effects of Body Weight:

  • Underweight threats: Underweight body, lead to a weakened immunity, nutritional deficiencies, leads to muscle's weakness.
  • Obesity : Excess in body weight increases the risk of many health disease such as diabetes, coronary heart disease, high in blood pressure, and joint problems.
  • Psychological Effects: Body weight can affect mental health, leading to issues such as anxiety, depression and low self-esteem.

Body Weight Management:

  • Balanced Diet: Balanced diet like  lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats and limiting fast foods and white sugar items.
  • Regular Exercise: Exercise on daily basis helps in improving cardiovascular strength, improving muscle mass and supports metabolism.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drinking adequate water on daily basis  helps in proper digestion, resulting in high metabolism rate.
  • Sleep adjustment: Maintain 7-9 hours of quality sleep  on regular basis helps to support hormonal balance and weight regulation.
  • Stress Management: Practice a  mindfulness, meditation, or relaxation techniques to reduce emotional eating to attain a healthy weight.
  • Monitoring: Keep monitoring change of your body weight and making important diet and exercise adjustments  where needed.


Body weight is an important aspect of health that requires a proper management. If we understand the factors that influences body weight and implementing healthy lifestyle choices, individuals can achieve and maintain an optimal weight for overall well-being. 



what is diabetes?

As we all know Glucose is the main source of energy for our body and  Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose level  (also known as sugar level) becomes so high. It is a chronic disease which leads to a serious heart damage with the passage of time or might be effected to eyes, kidneys or any organs of the body.

6 Major symptoms of Diabetes:

if a person following these symptoms in their life..... hurry up.....and rush to the doctor and get their blood sugar test for diagnosis:


  • Feeling urination specially overnight.
  • Losing weight without dieting.
  • Feel hungry or thirsty in short period of time
  • Feeling vision weak.
  • Having tingling and numbness.
  • Feel fatigue or tired everytime.

Diabetes types:

There are two types of diabetes:

  1. Type 1 diabetes:   In this type of diabetes, the pancreas does not make insulin, because the islet cells are attacked by the body system that produce insulin.
  2. Type 2 diabetes:  In this type of diabetes, the pancreas makes less insulin than body requires, and when  body does not use insulin it may cause high blood sugar level which is harmful for the body.

5 Top causes of Diabetes:

  1. Genetics:  Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes may occur inherited from both parents.
  2. Obesity:  Over weight or Obesity may also cause diabetes.
  3. Inactive behavior: When a person is not so active or lazy can lead to diabetes.
  4. Stress: Some study shows that increase of stress level hormones may cause type 2 diabetes.
  5. Short of Sleep: lack of sleep may also lead to less insulin released in the body and causing type 2 diabetes .

5 steps can prevent you from Diabetes:

  1. Eating Habit:  Eating healthy diet like: high fiber diet(beans, peas, lentils etc), lean meat (poultry, fish etc), fruits and vegetables, brown rice and having diet which are having less fats and calories.
  2. Physical Activity: Promise yourself to do exercise for at least 150 mins daily or doing aerobics or dance on daily basis.
  3. Smoking: Quit smoking to decrease insulin resistance as it lead to severe diabetes risk
  4. Weight management: American Diabetes Association recommends that people should reduce their body weight from 7 to 10%  because carrying extra weight may lead to type 2 diabetes.
  5. Stress Management: chronic stress can lead to insulin resistance and resulting into  the chance of type 2 diabetes.


 What is Cancer?

A cancer is a disease in which some body cells are grown uncontrollably and spread into other parts of the body and can invade nearby tissues.

Types Of Cancer: 

There are many types of cancer out of which few are discussed below:

1.Breast Cancer: In this type of cancer abnormal breast cells grow uncontrolled and form tumors, symptoms of breast cancer may include a 

  • lump in the breast.
  • changes appear in breast shape.
  • skin dimpling .
  • rejection of breast milk.
  • fluid feel from the nipple.
  • red or scaly patch of skin
2. Blood cancer:  Blood cancer is most commonly known as ,"LEUKEMIA" . leukemia usually begins in the bone marrow and produce large number of abnormal blood cells. In this case few symptoms may occur like
  • bone pain
  • fever
  • fatigue
  • increase in infections

3.Lungs Cancer: In this type abnormal cells growth starts in a lung. It is a severe type of cancer and can be a cause of severe harm or even leads to death.

Symptoms may include: 
  • chest pain
  • shortness of breath
  • lungs infection
  • regular cough
  • cough with blood
  • reducing of body weight

4.Oral Cancer: Oral cancer include:

          1. Cavity cancer

          2. Mouth cancer

          3. Tongue cancer
it appear on the upper part of the mouth usually including lips ,mouth ,tongue, upper cavity its symptoms start as:
  • swelling on lips or sore lips
  • difficulty while swallowing
  • loose teeth
  • a lump in neck
  • changes in voice
  • red patches in mouth and gums and tongue

5. Prostate Cancer: In this type uncontrolled cells growth in a prostate of men usually where semen are produced. Its not so dangerous. mostly men do not die of prostate cancer. Its symptoms appear as:

  • when uncontroled urination occur specially in night
  • bleeding while urinating
  • blood in semen
  • taking a long time while peeing.
  • taking a long time to pee
like wise every organ of the body can have cancer producing cells and its types have a long list to go......

Every person have different symptoms depend on the type of  the cancer like:

  • Unusual pain, especially new or persistent pain
  • Sudden weight loss or gain
  • Unexpected bleeding.
  • Changes in bowel movement e.g. constipation or diarrhea
  • Sudden pain when urinating or bloody urine too.
  • Cough or hoarseness(change of voice pitch)
  • Difficult to swallow
  • Skin changes, such as sores that won't heal, or changes to existing moles
  • High temperature or night sweats
  • Mouth ulcer, canker sores, bleeding, or numbness and burning sensation.

Top 10 Causes:

There may be many reasons for each type of cancer can include:
  1. Genetics
  2. Hormones Imbalances
  3. Smoking
  4. Tobbacco usage
  5. Radiation
  6. Alcohol,Diet
  7. Organ transplantation(rare Cause)
  8. Air pollution
  9. Obesity
  10. Lack of exercise

* Top 8 Diet to Prevent from cancer:

There are no such food which can prevent from cancer but there are top 8 types of food that may help to prevent from cancer are:
  1. Berries(rich in vitamins and minerals so work as an  antioxidant)
  2. Fish: contains omega3 fatty acids, potassium, Vitamins B.
  3. vegetables:(broccoli ,cauliflower contain vitmain C and vitamin K and manganese)
  4. Walnuts: All nuts contain cancer preventive substance
  5. Legumes:(Beans, Peas, lentils are rich in fber)
  6. Grapes: works as an antioxidants
  7. whole grains:
  8. Olive oil:


 What Is Heart:

Heart is a major organ that pumps blood to all parts of the body. It is the main organ of our circulatory system that transports blood to our body parts through its chambers when it recieve signals from our nervous system.

Functions of Heart:
The function of heart is to pump blood throughout the body, carrying oxygen and nutrients to organs and muscles, and removing carbon dioxide and waste products. 
  1. The heart contracts, pumping blood out of the left ventricle.
  1. The blood flows through arteries to deliver oxygen to the cells of the body.
  2. The blood returns back to the heart through veins.
  3. The heart sends the blood to the lungs to collect more oxygen.
  4. The cycle repeats.
Heart valves:
The heart has four valves
  1. the Tricuspid valve:
  2. Mitral valve
  3. Pulmonary valve
  4. Aortic valve 
These valves open and close in a given time to allow blood to flow through the heart in the right direction. 

Function of  heart valves:

As the heart muscle contracts and relaxes, the valves open and shut. This allows blood flow into the ventricles and atria at alternate times. Let us discuss a step-by-step description  the valves:

  • When the left ventricle relaxes, the aortic valve closes and the mitral valve opens. This allows blood flow from the left atrium into the left ventricle.

  • The left atrium contracts. This allows more blood to flow into the left ventricle.

  • When the left ventricle contracts, the mitral valve closes and the aortic valve opens. This is because blood flows into the aorta and out to the all parts of the body.

  • What happened if any of Heart valve doesnot work properly?

If a heart valve doesn't work properly, it may disturb the normal blood flow through the heart, causing the heart difficult to pump blood throughout the body, causing the problems like:
  • heart failure
  • irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia)
  • stroke
  • chest pain
  • shortness of breath
  • dizziness
  • fatigue depending on which valve is affected. 
8 diet to keep your heart healthy:


Berries are very good for healthy heart  because they are rich source of antioxidants, fiber, and vitamin C. These diet lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, and reduce inflammation. 
  • AntioxidantsFight against cell damage and oxidative stress.
  • Fiber: Lower cholesterol
  • Vitamin CHelps lower the risk of heart disease

Carrots protect your heart by reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, lowering cholesterol, and improving blood pressure.
  • Antioxidants: contain carotenoids and anthocyanins that fight free radicals which are harmful for your body.
  • Fiber: contain soluble fiber, that lowers cholesterol levels and helps regulate blood sugar levels. 
  • Potassium: It contains potassium, which help relax blood vessels and reduce the risk of high blood pressure. 
  • Vitamin A:It contains vitamin A, which supports heart health. 
  • Vitamin C: It contains vitamin C that  helps body to build antibodies to defend your immune system.
Nuts helps to improve your heart:
  • lower blood pressure
  • lower cholestrol(contain unsaturated fats that lowers LDL and raise HDL
  • reduce inflammation
  • lower risk of early death

Omega 3 Rich Diet:

10 omega3 rich diets can help protect your heart from damage are:



6 Ways How to Get Healthy Skin

Healthy skin can be maintained by following these rules in your life:

  • Take plenty of water everyday. At least 7-8 glass per day
  • Protect your skin from direct sunlight.
  • Use sunblock if its necessary to go in sunlight.
  • Use vegetables and fruits maximum in your  routine diet.
  • Wear full clothes to avoid direct sunlight contact to your skin
  • Get raw milk massage before sleep     

Supplements Used to Maintain Skin Healthy:

We can also use supplements to maintain our skin healthy.....here are some supplements discussed below which are helpful for our skin maintenance:

      Vitamin A:

Vitamin A can help our skin by providing variety of skin concerns,including acne, wrinkles, hyperpigmentataion and sun damage.

  • ExfoliationVitamin A can help in giving smooth and brighten skin. 
  • AcneTopical retinoids, a synthetic form of vitamin A, can help treat acne
  • WrinklesTopical retinoids can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 
  • Wound healingVitamin A can help wounds heal, especially if you're taking steroids to reduce inflammation. 
  • HyperpigmentationVitamin A can help reducing risks in hyperpigmentation.     

      Vitamin B3:

Vitamin B3 is also named as niacinamide which have many benefits in making your skin healthy. It may help in several ways:

  • Skin Barrier: Helps keep skin hydrated and protect from irritants.
  • Acne: Helps control oil production and prevent breaksout.
  • Dark spotsBrightens skin tone
  • HyperpigmentationReduces hyperpigmentation and discoloration
  • Dark spotsBrightens skin tone
  • AgingImproves skin texture and reduces the appearance of wrinkles
  • Skin Tone:B3 in adequate amount gives you a radiant complexion

Vitamin C:

Vitamin C have many advanatges for your skin, it helps in ,
  • Brightens skinVitamin C use helps fade dark spots and even out skin tone. 
  • Reduces hyperpigmentation: It helps reduing risks in hyperpigmentation.
  • Reduces wrinkles: It helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles. 
  • Promotes collagen production: It helps prevent sagging and maintain skin firmness
  • Reduces redness: It  helps in reducing skin redness.
  • Soothes sunburns: It helps soothe sunburns and prevent skin from sunburn. 
  • Helps wound healing: It helps in quick wound healing.
  • Dark Circles: It helps lightens the dark circles
Vitamin E:

The most effective and important vitamin for skin is vitamin E, Its benefits are:

  • it works as  free-radical scavengers
  • It helps to fight against viruses and bacteria.
  • It helps to form blood cells and widen blood vessels to avoid blood from clotting
  • It helps in the absorption of vitamin k
  • Cells interact with each other due to vitamin E.


Brain-Boosting Foods and Nutrition:

The brain is among the most energy-intensive organs in the body, which needs a constant flow of nutrients to work efficientlyNutrition is important in keeping cognitive function, enhancing memory, and avoiding neurodegenerative diseases. Below is a step-by-step guide on the vital nutrients and foods that promote brain health.

     " Essential Nutrients for Brain Health"

Omega-3 fatty acids are one of the good fats that are useful for heart, brain function as well as many more benefits can be taken by omega 3 fatty acids. They contain polyunsaturated fats that are required by the body but cannot be synthesized independently.

Sources of omega-3:

Omega 3 fatty acids can be found in our routine diet like:
  1. Fatty fish: Fish such as mackerel, salmon which lives in cold water are abundant in omega-3s
  2. Flaxseed: Flaxseed oil includes alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)
  3. Chia seeds: Omega 3 fatty acids can be found in ground flaxseed include ALA.
  4. Walnuts:  walnuts are also rich in omega 3 fatty acids.
  5. Soybean oil: Is rich in omega-3s

The benefits of omega-3s:

  • Reduce triglycerides and heart disease risk
  • Fight against stroke.
  • Regulates brain function.
  • Keep brain and eye growth.
  • Enhance memory function
  • Supports vision system
  • Alleviate depression

Types Of Omega :

There are 3 types of omega 3 fatty acids .
  • Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA): Found in fish and important for brain and eye development
  • Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA): Found in cold-water fish and fish oil supplement
  • Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA): Found in nuts like walnuts and is necessary for normal growth and development