
 What is Cancer?

A cancer is a disease in which some body cells are grown uncontrollably and spread into other parts of the body and can invade nearby tissues.

Types Of Cancer: 

There are many types of cancer out of which few are discussed below:

1.Breast Cancer: In this type of cancer abnormal breast cells grow uncontrolled and form tumors, symptoms of breast cancer may include a 

  • lump in the breast.
  • changes appear in breast shape.
  • skin dimpling .
  • rejection of breast milk.
  • fluid feel from the nipple.
  • red or scaly patch of skin
2. Blood cancer:  Blood cancer is most commonly known as ,"LEUKEMIA" . leukemia usually begins in the bone marrow and produce large number of abnormal blood cells. In this case few symptoms may occur like
  • bone pain
  • fever
  • fatigue
  • increase in infections

3.Lungs Cancer: In this type abnormal cells growth starts in a lung. It is a severe type of cancer and can be a cause of severe harm or even leads to death.

Symptoms may include: 
  • chest pain
  • shortness of breath
  • lungs infection
  • regular cough
  • cough with blood
  • reducing of body weight

4.Oral Cancer: Oral cancer include:

          1. Cavity cancer

          2. Mouth cancer

          3. Tongue cancer
it appear on the upper part of the mouth usually including lips ,mouth ,tongue, upper cavity its symptoms start as:
  • swelling on lips or sore lips
  • difficulty while swallowing
  • loose teeth
  • a lump in neck
  • changes in voice
  • red patches in mouth and gums and tongue

5. Prostate Cancer: In this type uncontrolled cells growth in a prostate of men usually where semen are produced. Its not so dangerous. mostly men do not die of prostate cancer. Its symptoms appear as:

  • when uncontroled urination occur specially in night
  • bleeding while urinating
  • blood in semen
  • taking a long time while peeing.
  • taking a long time to pee
like wise every organ of the body can have cancer producing cells and its types have a long list to go......

Every person have different symptoms depend on the type of  the cancer like:

  • Unusual pain, especially new or persistent pain
  • Sudden weight loss or gain
  • Unexpected bleeding.
  • Changes in bowel movement e.g. constipation or diarrhea
  • Sudden pain when urinating or bloody urine too.
  • Cough or hoarseness(change of voice pitch)
  • Difficult to swallow
  • Skin changes, such as sores that won't heal, or changes to existing moles
  • High temperature or night sweats
  • Mouth ulcer, canker sores, bleeding, or numbness and burning sensation.

Top 10 Causes:

There may be many reasons for each type of cancer can include:
  1. Genetics
  2. Hormones Imbalances
  3. Smoking
  4. Tobbacco usage
  5. Radiation
  6. Alcohol,Diet
  7. Organ transplantation(rare Cause)
  8. Air pollution
  9. Obesity
  10. Lack of exercise

* Top 8 Diet to Prevent from cancer:

There are no such food which can prevent from cancer but there are top 8 types of food that may help to prevent from cancer are:
  1. Berries(rich in vitamins and minerals so work as an  antioxidant)
  2. Fish: contains omega3 fatty acids, potassium, Vitamins B.
  3. vegetables:(broccoli ,cauliflower contain vitmain C and vitamin K and manganese)
  4. Walnuts: All nuts contain cancer preventive substance
  5. Legumes:(Beans, Peas, lentils are rich in fber)
  6. Grapes: works as an antioxidants
  7. whole grains:
  8. Olive oil:

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