
 What Is Heart:

Heart is a major organ that pumps blood to all parts of the body. It is the main organ of our circulatory system that transports blood to our body parts through its chambers when it recieve signals from our nervous system.

Functions of Heart:
The function of heart is to pump blood throughout the body, carrying oxygen and nutrients to organs and muscles, and removing carbon dioxide and waste products. 
  1. The heart contracts, pumping blood out of the left ventricle.
  1. The blood flows through arteries to deliver oxygen to the cells of the body.
  2. The blood returns back to the heart through veins.
  3. The heart sends the blood to the lungs to collect more oxygen.
  4. The cycle repeats.
Heart valves:
The heart has four valves
  1. the Tricuspid valve:
  2. Mitral valve
  3. Pulmonary valve
  4. Aortic valve 
These valves open and close in a given time to allow blood to flow through the heart in the right direction. 

Function of  heart valves:

As the heart muscle contracts and relaxes, the valves open and shut. This allows blood flow into the ventricles and atria at alternate times. Let us discuss a step-by-step description  the valves:

  • When the left ventricle relaxes, the aortic valve closes and the mitral valve opens. This allows blood flow from the left atrium into the left ventricle.

  • The left atrium contracts. This allows more blood to flow into the left ventricle.

  • When the left ventricle contracts, the mitral valve closes and the aortic valve opens. This is because blood flows into the aorta and out to the all parts of the body.

  • What happened if any of Heart valve doesnot work properly?

If a heart valve doesn't work properly, it may disturb the normal blood flow through the heart, causing the heart difficult to pump blood throughout the body, causing the problems like:
  • heart failure
  • irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia)
  • stroke
  • chest pain
  • shortness of breath
  • dizziness
  • fatigue depending on which valve is affected. 
8 diet to keep your heart healthy:


Berries are very good for healthy heart  because they are rich source of antioxidants, fiber, and vitamin C. These diet lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, and reduce inflammation. 
  • AntioxidantsFight against cell damage and oxidative stress.
  • Fiber: Lower cholesterol
  • Vitamin CHelps lower the risk of heart disease

Carrots protect your heart by reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, lowering cholesterol, and improving blood pressure.
  • Antioxidants: contain carotenoids and anthocyanins that fight free radicals which are harmful for your body.
  • Fiber: contain soluble fiber, that lowers cholesterol levels and helps regulate blood sugar levels. 
  • Potassium: It contains potassium, which help relax blood vessels and reduce the risk of high blood pressure. 
  • Vitamin A:It contains vitamin A, which supports heart health. 
  • Vitamin C: It contains vitamin C that  helps body to build antibodies to defend your immune system.
Nuts helps to improve your heart:
  • lower blood pressure
  • lower cholestrol(contain unsaturated fats that lowers LDL and raise HDL
  • reduce inflammation
  • lower risk of early death

Omega 3 Rich Diet:

10 omega3 rich diets can help protect your heart from damage are:

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