Healthy Diet

Healthy Diet:

A healthy diet contains a variety of nutritious foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteinsIt also limits foods high in carbohydrates and saturated fats, sweets and salts.

8 Major Healthy Diet:

There are many diets which fullfil your body nutrients requirements but here I am going to discuss main 8 diets which can fullfil 90%of your diet components are as:


1- Plant based food: Plant-based food contains fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, pulses, seeds and whole grains.
Fruits and Vegetables: Minimal processed fruits and vegetables like: Apple, bananas, oranges, kiwi, peas, squash, sweet potatoes , avocados, tomatoes, etc.
    Benefits: Provides vitamins and minerals with minimum calories and maintains body weight.

2- Whole Grains: Rice, quinoa, oatmeal, buckwheat etc.
    Benefits: contain fibres and helps prevent constipation, lower cholestrol, maintaining blood pressure and lower the heart diseases risk.

3- Legumes: lentils, beans, chickpeas.    
    Benefits: Low in calories and high in fiber, helps regulate bowel movement, maintains blood sugar level and prevents  type II diabetes.

4- Eggs: Contains high quality protein, vitamins and minerals like B12, riboflavin and selenium.

5-Drak Chocolates: It contains iron, magnesium and copper helps to protect skin from the sun, lower blood pressure and lower the risk of CHD.

6- Olive oils: contains vitamin E, polyphenols which are helpful for heart health.

7- Yougurt: contains probiotics which helps to cleanse and nourish intestines.

8- Nuts: Nuts contain omega 3 fatty acids, maintaining heart health and cholestrol level in the body.



A healthy diet isn't a question of restriction, but one of making smarter choices that benefit your body. By adding whole, natural foods into your regular way of living and keeping your relationship with food well-balanced, you can have a longer, healthier, happier life.


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