Hydrated Body:
Hydrated body is that has enough water to perform its function properly. Stay hydrated is important for your overall health.
**8 glass of water per day per person is compulsory**
Benefits of hydration :
- Regulates body temperature.
- Lubricates joints and eyes.
- Helps prevent headaches and constipation.
- Helps with digestion.
- Keeps skin healthy.
- Helps deliver nutrients to cells.
- Helps keep organs functioning properly.
- ImproveDrink s sleep quality, cognition, and mood.
6 Tips to stay hydrated:
- Drink water with meal.
- Use plenty of juices and fluids.
- Skip Alcohol and caffeine.
- Use vegetables and fruits rich in water like watermelon, cucumber, peaches, strawberries, celery etc.
- Monitor your alcohol color.
- Avoid sun rays when its too hot.
Damage of Dehydration:
There are many disadvantages not to staying hydrated, it can cause a
- Heart issues: Lack of water can produce blood clotting.
- Low blood pressure: Dehydration can cause low blood pressure, dizziness, and fainting.
- Palpitations: Dehydration can cause a racing heartbeat, called palpitations.
- Blood clots and heart attacks: Dehydration can thicken the blood, increasing the risk of blood clots and heart attacks.
- Kidney Damage:
- Brain failure:
Human brain is contains 75% of water. lack of water can lead to
- Heat injury: Dehydration can lead to heat cramps, heat exhaustion, or heatstroke.
- Urinary tract infections: Dehydration can cause urinary tract infections.
- Shock: Dehydration can cause low blood volume shock, which can be life-threatening.
A well-hydrated body is lmportant for optimal health, as water is essential component for every part of the body to function properly, including temperature regulation, digestion, nutrient transport, and maintaining healthy skin and joints; therefore, water intake is vital for overall well-being and vitality, allowing your body to perform at its best.
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